About Me

I am a second year Operations Research PhD student at MIT working with Professor Negin Golrezaei. Prior to MIT, I worked as a Portfolio Implementation analyst at AQR Capital Management. I graduated from Brown University in May 2020 where I studied applied mathematics, computer science, and economics. During my time at Brown, I worked with Professor Amy Greenwald in the E-GLAMOR group. Contrary to what my profile picture suggests, I am in fact not a purple elephant; you may instead find me at the bottom left of the image. Here is my CV.

Research Interests

My interests lie at the intersection of learning, games, and mechanism design. My research focuses on the computational aspects of economic and decision-making problems, such as data driven mechanism design, equilibrium computation, and multi-agent reinforcement learning. I am also interested in the modeling, simulation, and modern applications of games, auctions, and markets. Outside of research, I enjoy playing table tennis, chess, guitar, and piano. Lastly, to those it may concern, I was once the CasualCollective’s (RIP) illustrious FroggyX!